
simultaneously replace library name and cell name of cells in ADE schematic

In ADE schematic, you can replace library name or cell name of cells by Edit -> Replace. But you cannot replace both library name and cell name simultaneously. For example, we want to automatic...

Capacitor simulation

结论:smic40工艺,MOM电容的标准差σ大约为0.05fF,与电容绝对值无关。 smic40_mom_cap_variation PDK中MOM cap仿真结果: 看看电容值偏差 从图中可以看到 $CV = 4.77/C$, CV (co-efficient of variation)是离散系数,C是电容均值。 把横轴改为1/C,可以更直观地看到C...

simultaneously run simulations with different views

This post is to show how to run simulations with different views simultaneously. setup In ADE assembler window, right click Global Variables and select Add Config Sweep. Selec...

Matlab Plot Settings

可以用于paper的图片设置 Code % This is from startup.m (on website) % Plot formattingcolordef white; % Plot with default font size 16+ % Linewidth of 2 or 3 set(0,'defaultAxesFontName', 'Arial', ... 'def...

Import MC results from Cadence and Plot using Matlab

1. Export MC data from Cadence In ADE result, select Detail-Transpose. Tools -> Export Data 2. Improt data in Matlab and plot MC results %% improt dat and plot MC results clear;clc; addpat...

Insert Histogram into Line Chart

How To Insert Histogram into Line Chart Code % insert multiple histograms into line chart figure; ax0 = axes('position',[0.1,0.1,0.8,0.8]); ax1 = axes('position',[0.175,0.47,0.2,0.15]); ax2 = ...

Statistical analysis -- Boxplot

code % import data A = importdata('cap_sweep.csv'); v = A.data(:,1); c = A.data(:,4).*1e15; figure boxplot(c,v); % sample boxplot with grouping hAx=gca; % retrieve the axes handle xtk=hAx...

Generate Legends for Figures Plotted in Loops

How To Generate Legends for Figures Plotted in Loops Code % clear;clc; i = 0; % for legend_str figure('name','plot in loops') LineStyle = '-'; Marker = 'o+*.x'; Color = 'rgbkm'; % condition loo...

Import data from cadence to matlab

Export data from cadence In ADE window, Tools -> Results Browser. Go to ViVA window, select signals and hit right mouse button. Select table as follows. In the table window, select File ->...

Record results as an animation or video for demo

This post is to show how to record results as animation or video using Matlab. Title: Record results as an animation or video for demonstration save data as gif function The function of save_as_...