In ADE schematic, you can replace library name or cell name of cells by Edit -> Replace. But you cannot replace both library name and cell name simultaneously. For example, we want to automatic...
结论:smic40工艺,MOM电容的标准差σ大约为0.05fF,与电容绝对值无关。 smic40_mom_cap_variation PDK中MOM cap仿真结果: 看看电容值偏差 从图中可以看到 $CV = 4.77/C$, CV (co-efficient of variation)是离散系数,C是电容均值。 把横轴改为1/C,可以更直观地看到C...
This post is to show how to run simulations with different views simultaneously. setup In ADE assembler window, right click Global Variables and select Add Config Sweep. Selec...
可以用于paper的图片设置 Code % This is from startup.m (on website) % Plot formattingcolordef white; % Plot with default font size 16+ % Linewidth of 2 or 3 set(0,'defaultAxesFontName', 'Arial', ... 'def...
1. Export MC data from Cadence In ADE result, select Detail-Transpose. Tools -> Export Data 2. Improt data in Matlab and plot MC results %% improt dat and plot MC results clear;clc; addpat...
How To Insert Histogram into Line Chart Code % insert multiple histograms into line chart figure; ax0 = axes('position',[0.1,0.1,0.8,0.8]); ax1 = axes('position',[0.175,0.47,0.2,0.15]); ax2 = ...
code % import data A = importdata('cap_sweep.csv'); v =,1); c =,4).*1e15; figure boxplot(c,v); % sample boxplot with grouping hAx=gca; % retrieve the axes handle xtk=hAx...
How To Generate Legends for Figures Plotted in Loops Code % clear;clc; i = 0; % for legend_str figure('name','plot in loops') LineStyle = '-'; Marker = 'o+*.x'; Color = 'rgbkm'; % condition loo...
Export data from cadence In ADE window, Tools -> Results Browser. Go to ViVA window, select signals and hit right mouse button. Select table as follows. In the table window, select File ->...
This post is to show how to record results as animation or video using Matlab. Title: Record results as an animation or video for demonstration save data as gif function The function of save_as_...
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