Home cadence AMS Simulation

cadence AMS Simulation

Analog and Digital Co-Simulation in Cadence Environment

Firstly, generate functional view and symbol for digital design

  1. Create a new cell in your design library with view “functional”, type “Verilog”;

  2. Delete everything in the newly created view, open the digital design file and copy all the codes to the new view;

  3. Save the new view, the system should prompt you to create a symbol automatically.

Note: if the system prompt something like “not able to find the compilier”, which means the ncvlog is not set up properly. Open you C shell file, and set up xcelium tools.

Secondly, set up your AMS test bench

  1. Create a new “config” cell, choose AMS as template;

  2. Edit you schematic, include your analog blocks and digital blocks, and simulation setup;

  3. Launch ADE, select simulator as “ams”;

  4. Set up your variables and simulation analysis as usual;

  5. Setup connect rules from setup menu of ADE;

  6. If you do not have any existing connect rule, then include cadence default connect rule library in your cds.lib:

  7. Choose an existing connect rule and modify from it. For example, choose the 1.8V connect rule and change the supply to 1.1V and adjust the threshold.

Thirdly, prepare to run simulation

  1. Before starting the simulation, delete all “*.pak” files in the design folder and sub-folders. It will remove all prior library information if the design library is copied from an existing one. Otherwise, the AMS compiler will prompt you to include the prior library;

  2. In the output option, save all the nets that you want to monitor; The default setting is only to save those selected nets;

  3. If you want to interactively watch digital signals, select simulation mode to “Interactive” mode from the simulation menu of ADE: (I prefer to use “batch” mode then open simVision manually)

Note: OSS Netlister is preferred.  

  1. Start to run a simulation. You can plot any analog signals as usual as in spectre simulation;

  2. To monitor digital signal, open “SimVision waves…” from Tool Menu of ADE.

  3. In SimVision, you can load the simulation database and monitor digital signals.

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